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Unidos da Tijuca

Unidos da Tijuca’s 2014 parade – Photo: Marcelo Régua / Agência Brasil

The Grêmio Recreativo Escola de Samba Unidos da Tijuca, or simply Unidos da Tijuca, was founded on December 31, 1931.

Unidos da Tijuca was the first samba school in the Tijuca neighbourhood, founded from four carnival groups (blocos): the Bloco do Velho Ismael Francisco and Dona Blandira (from the Moraes family), the Bloco do Velho Pacifico (from the Vasconcelos family), the Bloco do Caroço (from Ilha dos Velhacos) and the Bloco da Dona Amélia (from Morro da Formiga). Its colours are blue and golden yellow.

Unidos da Tijuca’s 2014 parade – Photo: Fernando Frazão / Agência Brasil

Unidos da Tijuca is a four-time Rio de Janeiro’s carnival champion, with championships in the years 1936, 2010, 2012 and 2014.


The Unidos da Tijuca’s bateria nickname is Pura Cadência and its caixa section has only caixas em cima playing the groove known as partido-alto. Another feature is the use of repiques mores in the repiques bossa section.

Unidos da Tijuca’s bateria – Photo: Sueli Freitas / Agência Brasil

Pura Cadência won the Estandarte de Ouro twice, in 2006 and 2015. Since 2008 Mestre Casagrande has been in charge of this bateria.

Pura Cadência’s Instagram

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Rehearsals and events

Unidos da Tijuca’s bateria rehearsals take place on Thursdays at 8 pm, in the samba school’s quadra. There are also other rehearsals, feijoadas and other events. Always check the samba school’s official channels (Website, Facebook, Instagram…) to confirm that rehearsals and events are going ahead.

Address (Quadra) –   Rua Francisco Bicalho 47, Santo Cristo, Rio de Janeiro

Check the events of Unidos da Tijuca on the official website and Facebook page.

Website oficial Unidos da Tijuca

Facebook Unidos da Tijuca

Instagram Unidos da Tijuca

Unidos da Tijuca’s Quadra – Photo: Fernando Frazão / Agência Brasil